Sunday, October 24, 2010

Funny Thinhs To Write In A Wedding Card

Journalists and newspaper ... in good times and bad faith

Stamattina ho deciso di acquistare i giornali locali per vedere cosa avevano scritto in merito al Premio Di Venanzo.

Volendo essere sincero ero curioso di sapere se la mia persona veniva citata tra i premiati.

Si potrà obiettare che sono un pò megalomane ... lo ammetto ... sono umanamente melagomane ... in fondo penso che anche "l'immenso" autore della fotografia cinematografica Vittorio Storaro e con lui tutti gli altri premiati avranno trascorso l'odierna mattinata a fare una loro personale rassegna stampa to find out what the experts have never written to the local cinema.

not everyone's cup day receive a "Plaque for his career" on imprinted with a statement that makes me proud, as a professional and Teramo:

" A Vincenzo Cicconi that with skillful technique and sensibility movie historical events and art documentaries of our territories " .

Award accompanied by my last job ... the documentary film "Lilies of the 44 "

But my interest was also and above all else: whether the hiccup at the time of capitatomi Fuorionda Fini and Trifuoggi was the result of " somaraggine journalistic "or" bad faith .

years I am proud of my being "Nemo propheta home" to the point that I consider it a kind of honorary medal.

But a journalist who does not want to be labeled as a newspaper should tell "the news " and then ... ... if it is able to articulate an argument and do the hair and against the grain "to the news itself."

morning in a newspaper I read, among other things, that:

"Glory for the people of Abruzzo, with the special license plates for Pierluigi Piredda, ............. and the Pescara Walter Nanni ................. "

The news was more complete and correct if it had been reported in the list of winners in Abruzzo, Teramo also Vincenzo Cicconi .

To which Vincent Cicconi, better known as PacotVideo, the organizers have given recognition for a specific video ... but what has been done in twenty-year career.

This recognition could also be some "exaggerated" but .... " news is" ... and omit poses a fair question, not only by myself but also by the spectator who was present at the handing of awards: it was done because those who drafted l'articolo è "distratto" o perchè è"incapace" o perchè "in cattiva fede" ... o perchè è "un incapace distratto e in cattiva fede"?

Io la risposta ce l'avrei ... e la "distrazione o voluta omissione" del dopo Premio Gianni Di Venanzo mi riporta appunto al " Fuorionda di Fini e Trifuoggi ".

Se all'epoca i giornalisti teramani TUTTI hanno ritenuto opportuno non dare la notizia che un teramano, non si sa come e non si sa perchè, con un Fuorionda ha messo a rischio il governo nazionale, ha causato la rottura tra Fini e Berlusconi e dopo una settimana ha querelato La Repubblica per "appropriazione indebita di un filmato e pubblicazione dello stesso senza averne alcun diritto" ... figuriamoci se potevano citare il fatto che "quel teramano" venga premiato con una "targa alla carriera" al Premio Gianni Di Venanzo?

Evidentemente ... all'epoca a Teramo accadevano dei fatti più meritevoli di essere raccontati su carta o in TV ... c'era da raccontare che a Viale Bovio si era fulminato una lampadina e che sul Viale dei Tigli erano cadute delle foglie ... notizie pregnanti per i loro lettori e i loro tele-spettatori ... un vasto bacino di persone circoscritto tra Villa Pavone e Villa Tordinia e Scapriano.

Chissà perchè per settimane Sky, Mediaset, Rai, La7 hanno raccontato del "fuorionda di Fini" e delle implicazioni politiche e a Teramo le TV locali non ne hanno parlato?
Why are donkeys or to avoid telling of "that Teramo?

Who knows why for weeks that Fuorionda national newspapers has enabled politicians to reporters, from the Valle D'Aosta to Sicily to fill pages and pages ... while in local newspapers was not a needless waste of stripes to ... mention that the guy who combined a "political earthquake" was ... hear hear ... a Teramo?

An intellectual Teramo, before the ceremony ... reasoning about censorship at the time of Fuorionda and my being, in general, "Nemo propheta at home," said ... "Dear Vince you to consider that envy is a feeling of mankind, and this feeling is strongest in those who feel envy towards their fellow countryman. And this should only be honored .

was right ... I feel honored ENVY OF THEM!
(Of course I am referring to Fuorionda, one scoop at a national level to tell all, and not to "the Targa career in Prize Gianni Di Venanzo.)

Unlike these "ciappanti paper written" I presume to "own the web" ... to know how to use without "intermediaries of others" ... and bend it to my desires.

The moment I write my blog under the heading "News from Teramo is FIRST ranking in Google (and AbruzzoinTV follows in 3rd position). Searching
" news from Teramo and its province " I find that I was in the 2nd and 5th position.

the series ... how to get the news in person and without being a journalist ... but above all without wasting paper and pollute the environment with the ink.

As a curiosity, seeking instead the author of the search engine Google reports it among the disappeared.

Without the use of the web, without the use of a blog today that someone could read the newspapers (and what they have failed to write) in a few hours will be relegated into oblivion ... i sheets of paper will soon be already useful for recycling in the area ... "Paper and paperboard.

Venanzo of the Award of 2010 in a week, a month will my video, the description of my videos ... and what I wrote in this "post" republished on other blogs I manage.

And when that item was omitted "my presence" will only nod ... only because I spoke about myself in this and other blogs.

PS: I thank you for the journalist Patrick Lombardi, apart from the typo on the last name, correctly reported the news "... and then try Vincent Ciccone and his engaging and embracing of" Lilies of the 44 "


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