Ascanio Celestini is an actor, film director, writer and Italian playwright and one of the most famous voices of the theater Storytelling in Italy.
His writing is always born from a research work conducted through interviews and workshops.
of 2000 Clandestine Radio, Fosse Ardeatine sull'eccidio and Cecafumo on the fairy tale.
2002 and Factory, says that fifty years of history working through three generations.
In 2004 he filmed a documentary with Fandango Fearless, stories and music of night workers.
to Radio 3 wrote and starred in several programs, including Hello Beautiful job-related and the Resistance. With
Donzelli published Cecafumo, Factory and the televising of clandestine radio. For
Einaudi published the literary version of Dumb War ("The Archipelago Einaudi ', 2005), the DVD box set with Dumb War (" Freestyle / DVD, "2006) and The Black Sheep (" Corals ", 2006, and" Super ET, "2008).
E 'permanent guest in the program on RAI 3 "Talk to Me" with Serena Dandini e Dario Vergassola.
Nell'applauditissimo speech at the XV Premio Borsellino brought before a cultural revolution to the streets to reach the law we need.
He told a story all his own way on optimism that talks about the cuts in education and fear of equality.
Actor theater brave and committed, passionate filmmaker, writer and playwright of stories and history, has the merit of work between the genius, the ' human inventiveness, with the need to look at the world, often it remains, for artists as for politicians, a task distracted.
figure represents a versatile artist and intellectual and complex.
Over the years, the goal of Ascanio Celestini was driven to capture the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine, war, class struggle, the life of operai, le storie dei lavoratori precari, l’istituzione manicomiale.
La ferocia della miseria urbana, riscattate al contempo dalla dignità dei cittadini onesti.
Nel suo recente film “La pecora nera” ha raccolto brandelli di esistenze di persone-fantasma, che meriterebbero una maggior attenzione da parte di tutti.
Da ogni sua opera traspare uno straordinario impegno civile, un desiderio di giustizia e di libertà sociale che si traducono in una coraggiosa e continua sfida al potere.
In una società e in una cultura dove sembra di vivere solo tra situazioni sconcertanti, in cui gli uomini sono attori come fantocci, marionette, automi, Celestini ci pone un orizzonte in cui la società e i cittadini possono muoversi nella direzione di un cambiamento attivo, coscientemente voluto
Come riconoscimento di un'attività di tutela e accrescimento della democrazia ad Ascanio Celestini il Premio Borsellino 2010.
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