Saturday, October 30, 2010

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A National Award Paolo Borsellino in 2010.

" power than ever before, feels
creak ... everything seems to be ending ...
we resist a little longer but is ending ...
believe that we must have confidence in this.

This was certainly the passage of the speech by Roberto Saviano most applauded by numerous public come to the Odeon Theatre in Roseto degli Abruzzi to attend the prize ceremony of the 15th edition of Premio Paolo Borsellino.

prophetic statement! !

Roberto Saviano has closed his speech with a pill-actually ...
" TRUTH 'AND POWER never coincide.

Lo scrittore e, prossimamente, "autore televisivo" del programma di RAI 3 "Vieni via con me" con Fabio Fazio si è detto emozionato di ricevere un premio intitolato a Borsellino soprattutto perchè ricevuto in Abruzzo ...
" terra che amo moltissimo per una piccola forma di narcisismo che ho ... è stata la prima regione a darmi la cittadinanza onoraria ".


Knowing, understanding becomes a necessity, the only men can still be considered worthy to breathe.

Roberto Saviano acts in person and in civil society against the Mafia, the injustices against the ravaged environment, against illegal trafficking of waste and complacency of corrupt state officials.

With an extraordinary personal sacrifice, paying a high price for his efforts in defending and promoting the values \u200b\u200bof freedom, information, democracy, legality.

A real law, that which is in the name of Paolo Borsellino, not the emptiness of self-righteous legalism, which attacks the security-wipers but is conniving with the lawlessness of the policy, closes his eyes to the scams and remains powerful silent and therefore complicit in front of the theft of state.

conducts a daily struggle against absolute evil and noble mafias, dell'angheria of widespread corruption and complicity of silence, with the power of ideas to bring more forward in its commitment to justice, at any cost, to build a better future. For all


Roberto Saviano A National Award Paolo Borsellino in 2010.

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Antonio Ingroia the awards ceremony of the XV Premio Paolo Borsellino

“La lotta alla mafia non può essere soltanto una distaccata opera di repressione, ma un movimento culturale e morale, che coinvolge tutti, che tu ti abitui a sentire la bellezza del fresco profumo di libertà che si oppone al puzzo del compromesso morale, dell’indifferenza, della contiguità, e quindi della complicità”.
( Paolo Borsellino )

Borsellino The award, now in its 15th year, aims to enhance the work each year to personalities in the course of their lives, witnessed the highest values human beings: the righteousness, justice, solidarity, legality.

The award, born 3 December 1992 and chaired by Anthony Caponnetto until 2002, once again intends to show admiration, gratitude and affection to those Italian personalities who provided testimony to the commitment, consistency and courage is particularly significant in his own social action, civil cultural and political life against violence and injustice, and especially for his efforts in defending and promoting the values \u200b\u200bof freedom, democracy and legality.

the 2010 President's Award is the Palermo prosecutor Antonio Ingroia and the jury is composed of Lirio Abbate (journalist of L'Espresso), Maurizio De Luca (journalist of L'Espresso ) Feancesco La Licata (journalist for La Stampa), Salvo Palazzolo (journalist for La Repubblica), Sandro Ruotolo (RAI journalist and broadcasting Year Zero).

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Leo Noda, Sandro Ruotolo and the letter of Agnese Borsellino, Salvatore Di Landro

coordinator Prize Purse Leo Noda, in greeting the audience, recounts the difficulties encountered in carrying out such an event.

The strength to go ahead and pursue this project finds new life by the words sent through a letter from Mrs. Agnese Borsellino, the widow of Judge Paolo Borsellino.

The letter is read by Sandro Ruotolo.

Dear young people,

I address you as the only gathering really the message that my husband has left , a legacy that today, despite the terrible truth that are gradually surfacing about the death of my husband , raised my son Manfred, and not, mind you, providing sterile testimony as a victim of a devious war that has taken away when was just 21, his father, but as a child model, of which I can only be proud, especially because, together with her sisters, is that State which does not seem to have had the sole blame for not having done everything in his power to prevent the death of his father.

Reading with my kids (here in the hospital where, unfortunately, I face a terminal illness with dignity that the wife of a great man must always have) recent reports in the newspapers these days, after some moments of despair I continued and will continue to believe and respect the institutions of this country, because I realize we have a duty to respect and serve as my husband until the last has taught us, not even a step backwards in front of even the only suspect who may have had to have been betrayed by those who would have to close ranks around him.

my children and I do not feel special, never will, we are rather small before the figure of my husband and I repeat once again, too many of you who were not born the year of the massacres, has not wanted to escape his death sentence, knowingly really won the greatest gift that God gave us, his life.

I do not lose hope in a society more just and honest, they are even convinced that you will be able to renew the current leaders and build a new Italy, the Italy of tomorrow.

Agnese Borsellino

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the awards ceremony of the XV Premio Paolo Borsellino

Il Procuratore Generale di Reggio Calabri Salvatore Di Landro nel suo intervento di ringraziamento per il Premio Borsellino ricevuto ha confessato che in alcuni momenti si sente l’assenza dello Stato e riafferma principi universali, quali il fatto che il potere, senza controllo, scade nell’arbitrio e nel dispotismo.


Per il grande impegno profuso nella promozione dei valori della legalità.

Per aver resistito alla prepotenza della mafia che crede di poter travolgere tutto e tutti pur avendo conosciuto la crudeltà della violenza mafiosa ndranghetista su postazioni di prima linea.

Per aver resistito alle giuste e umane paure e, con la tenacia sua e dei suoi collaboratori, contribuito ogni giorno concretamente alla costruzione di una società più giusta necessariamente fondata sulla legalità e sulla fiducia nelle istituzioni.

Interpretando il bisogno della collettività che chiede diritti e sente il bisogno di una società fondata sui più alti valori: a partire dalla giustizia.

same principles and the same values \u200b\u200bthat have animated the life of Paolo Borsellino.

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Salvo Palazzolo at the awards ceremony of the XV Premio Paolo Borsellino

After graduating in Law began as a journalist in 1992, the daily newspaper L'Ora di Palermo.

He then worked with the newspaper Il Manifesto, Sicily and the Mediterranean, focusing on judicial reporting.

For this newspaper has followed the events of the case Contrada: the story of the former 007, Sisde convicted of collusion with the Mafia has now been implemented in 1995 con Claudio Cugusi, dell'Unione Sarda, e in collaborazione con Video On Line il primo sito internet italiano su un processo penale.

Dal 1999 è redattore del quotidiano La Repubblica, ha continuato a seguire la complessa evoluzione del fenomeno mafioso, non solo attraverso la cronaca giudiziaria, ma con un lavoro d'inchiesta sul campo.

Nel 2004 ha intervistato il capomafia in carcere Pietro Aglieri, ha poi scoperto la trattativa segreta fra i boss e un gruppo di sacerdoti, che dopo le stragi Falcone e Borsellino avrebbe dovuto portare alla dissociazione some of the Cosa Nostra mafia.

has worked with the production company and Magnolia with RAI television programs such as co-author of Inquiry on Cosa Nostra edited by Claudio Canepari and broadcast by RAI 3: the Chess King, the capture of Provenzano, double play, the moles' s mafia; Hands on Palermo.

latter program in 2009 received the critics' prize at the XV edition of television journalism award, "Ilaria Alpi".

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Ascanio Celestini at the awards ceremony of the XV Premio Paolo Borsellino

Ascanio Celestini is an actor, film director, writer and Italian playwright and one of the most famous voices of the theater Storytelling in Italy.

His writing is always born from a research work conducted through interviews and workshops.

of 2000 Clandestine Radio, Fosse Ardeatine sull'eccidio and Cecafumo on the fairy tale.

2002 and Factory, says that fifty years of history working through three generations.
In 2004 he filmed a documentary with Fandango Fearless, stories and music of night workers.

to Radio 3 wrote and starred in several programs, including Hello Beautiful job-related and the Resistance. With

Donzelli published Cecafumo, Factory and the televising of clandestine radio. For

Einaudi published the literary version of Dumb War ("The Archipelago Einaudi ', 2005), the DVD box set with Dumb War (" Freestyle / DVD, "2006) and The Black Sheep (" Corals ", 2006, and" Super ET, "2008).

E 'permanent guest in the program on RAI 3 "Talk to Me" with Serena Dandini e Dario Vergassola.

Nell'applauditissimo speech at the XV Premio Borsellino brought before a cultural revolution to the streets to reach the law we need.
He told a story all his own way on optimism that talks about the cuts in education and fear of equality.


Actor theater brave and committed, passionate filmmaker, writer and playwright of stories and history, has the merit of work between the genius, the ' human inventiveness, with the need to look at the world, often it remains, for artists as for politicians, a task distracted.

figure represents a versatile artist and intellectual and complex.
Over the years, the goal of Ascanio Celestini was driven to capture the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine, war, class struggle, the life of operai, le storie dei lavoratori precari, l’istituzione manicomiale.

La ferocia della miseria urbana, riscattate al contempo dalla dignità dei cittadini onesti.

Nel suo recente film “La pecora nera” ha raccolto brandelli di esistenze di persone-fantasma, che meriterebbero una maggior attenzione da parte di tutti.
Da ogni sua opera traspare uno straordinario impegno civile, un desiderio di giustizia e di libertà sociale che si traducono in una coraggiosa e continua sfida al potere.

In una società e in una cultura dove sembra di vivere solo tra situazioni sconcertanti, in cui gli uomini sono attori come fantocci, marionette, automi, Celestini ci pone un orizzonte in cui la società e i cittadini possono muoversi nella direzione di un cambiamento attivo, coscientemente voluto

Come riconoscimento di un'attività di tutela e accrescimento della democrazia ad Ascanio Celestini il Premio Borsellino 2010.