Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Small Clear Blister In My Mouth

Santuario degli Angeli sotto la neve - Cuneo

Fotografia Cuneo

At the end of the Avenue of Angels to Cuneo is the Shrine of Our Lady of the Angels, a small chapel dating from the fifteenth century.
It stands in an area that was once rural but now, with the expansion of the city, has lost its isolation.
Although this remains an area of \u200b\u200bpeace with a beautiful lookout on Gesso.
E' meta di frequenti passeggiate domenicali.
Nelle foto, il Santuario durante l'ultima nevicata.

Santuario degli Angeli di Cuneo   -§-   Sanctuary of Madonna degli Angeli in Cuneo

At the bottom of the angeli's Avenue in Cuneo there is the Sanctuary of Madonna degli Angeli, a small chapel dating from the fifteenth century.
It stands in an area that was once rural but now, with the expansion of the city, has lost its isolate appearance.
Although this remains an area of peace with a beautiful lookout on Gesso.
It's the frequent destination for Sunday walks.
In the photos, you can see the Sanctuary during the last snowfall.

Fotografia Cuneo


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