Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Hor Dourves For A Wedding


Attraverso una storia “tribolata”, segnata costantemente da uno scontro pesante fra le ideologie politiche, religiose, economiche, sociali, e chi più ne ha più ne metta, siamo arrivati al compimento dei 150 anni di vita di questa nostra bellissima Italy. We should all be proud of and proud to belong to a country so extraordinary, and its history, ancient and recent, is imbued with ingenuity of men who have represented the highest excellence, worldwide, in art, music, science and in all that is human knowledge.

In 1861 he became Italy, but even then recited a popular saying, it remains to make the Italians. It 'obvious that you can not unify a nation simply expanding the boundaries and bringing together very different regions for their customs and traditions, but I believe that the founding fathers were aware of that State shall, in the hope that only time could have allowed this kind of unification between the different souls of the Italians, eliminating those social 'plague', first among them illiteracy and poverty, which were the common element of the poor, the laborers and workers of that time, and now have been almost totally eliminated. It is not enough for a century and a half, however, despite improvements in the quality of life, and the simplification due to the progress, to grow in this people a strong feeling of love for their homeland, a sincere and heartfelt pride of belonging to history , society and the values \u200b\u200bof the communities in which we live. Since the meeting of Tean, la ‘piaga’ del brigantaggio era dolorosamente presente anche in Romagna, ma uno strano meccanismo di stravolgimento della verità storica è riuscito a trasformare un bandito come il ‘Passatore’ in una specie di eroe cortese ed altruista.

Nessuno si meravigli di questo! Non c’è forse il busto di Bulow a Palazzo Merlato, di fronte a quello di Zaccagnini, in un luogo che dovrebbe rappresentare un simbolo della Democrazia? Forse molti non sanno (ed altri preferiscono non saperlo), di quali ombre pesanti si sia macchiato, a guerra finita, quello che ai nostri giorni è stato idealizzato come il ‘salvatore’ di Ravenna e quasi un simbolo dell’eroismo.

They should read the ruling of the Court of Rimini (July 1998) of Gianfranco Stella was acquitted of contempt of resistance, for the book written about the "Massacre of Codevigo. In those pages have been documented allegations of massacres, murders and violence, carried out (after the war) by alleged partisans who were part of the 28th Brigade Garibaldi's command Arrigo Boldrini. In its ruling, inter alia, states that the hypothesis is supported by the star of a long series of testimonies and documents, including diaries are pastors and survivors, and even the journal of the same Bulow, che fu Presidente dell’ANPI fino alla sua morte.

“Fortunatamente il movimento partigiano possedeva molte ‘anime’, per lo più nobili, generose e democratiche, il cui solo obiettivo era quello di portare il Paese fuori da quello scontro immane, per riprendere una normale e civile convivenza. I pochi ‘dirigenti’, che hanno preferito ignorare, sminuire, giustificare o, in alcuni casi persino appoggiare, le azioni criminali compiute, dopo la fine della guerra, da minoranze esigue, sono coloro che hanno alimentato il pericoloso fuoco della guerra civile.” (1)

La collocazione del busto di ‘Bulow’ in uno spazio istituzionale, in cui dovrebbe svilupparsi il confronto democratico per eccellenza, certamente non dimostra l’esistenza di una volontà pacificatrice, né di voler perseguire fini di verità storica.

Ci auguriamo che nel tempo sia possibile sviluppare un percorso di giustizia storica, simile a quello avvenuto con le ‘Foibe’. Sappiamo tutti come soltanto recentemente sia maturata la consapevolezza di quelle stragi e dei crimini commessi dalle “schegge impazzite” del movimento partigiano iugoslavo. Solo accertando ed accettando la verità è stato possibile ritrovare una vera pacificazione storica fra i parenti delle vittime e quelli dei carnefici, spesso inconsapevoli existence or the seriousness of these crimes.

We just hope you do not need another century to make tax-Romagna, Ravenna and who refuse to accept the truth, that the numerous mass graves, mushroomed in Codevigo, were filled with corpses, after the war, as all the documents confirm, those 'loose cannon' who can not be called 'supporters'. What has been found so far is only part of the iceberg of revenge, made all the crimes occurred, again at war, in what were called "triangle of death".

Among them we can not forget the massacre of Auditors Manzoni Lugo, cowardly and senseless murder of 'partisan' Republican Marino Pascoli.

After 150 years, we'd love to hear, the people we meet, a spontaneous and strong love for our country. It would be great if people greet each other on the street with a firm "Long live Italy" and that would stop criticizing the national government and those who mock the majority of voters wanted the summit of the institutions. Long as there is a chance to vote, the Democratic replacement will always be possible, thanks an appeal at the ballot box that can change the outcome of the previous vote. This is the true power of democracy! We hope that this long-lasting strength, and for this reason that it is unacceptable that a government, whatever it is, has the ability to perform his duties for the entire term without being attacked daily on his work.

"Long live Italy and long live democracy", therefore, provided it is positive, active and reformist, not the one that tends to destroy our national values. Vincenzo Galassini PDL and "Free List" Cotignola

(1)-From the book "Victor Mosquera" - P. 282-283


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