Una giusta battaglia civile la si può combattere in vari modi.
C'è chi scende in piazza per manifestare il proprio dissenso e c'è chi, come me, preferisce fare da cassa resonance, with the help of my "weapons" (camera and dissemination of video over the Internet), to civil wars others.
Again I considered it right to put at the disposal of Professor Sandro Melarangelo and Teramo in the now more than ten years of our struggle to bring to light the ancient Teatro Romano.
188 - Ancient Roman Theatre. Yesterday, today .. Tomorrow
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At the beginning of the video, lasting about 19 minutes, Professor Melarangelo wearing the clothes of the historic city of Teramo retracing some phases of the history of the Theatre Interamnia ( who had done brilliantly in another video ) until reaching the 2 December 2010, the day when, in protest, he lay on the ground to prevent the archaeological were picked up and moved elsewhere.
That act of protest is successful. Indeed
stones Theatre Interamnia were parked on the street side of the MAT Interamnia and will relocate after the work in the same theater will be completed.
Below is a transcript of the first 6 minutes in that Professor Sandro
Melarangelo tells "the history and current events" the most important Roman monument of Teramo.
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Interamnia The Theatre is the largest Roman theater in the Piceno area could also be reused.
We're talking about an epic undertaking that he left Francesco Savini in 1901 and 1926, produced a report for the Accademia dei Lincei that did just that search. These important initiatives
Francesco Savini and later Minister of Popular Culture Bottai and then again by Giovanna Melandri, but also other ministries of Culture after unfortunately ancora oggi non possono avere soddisfazione perchè qualcuno impedisce che si porti avanti questo progetto storico per la Città di Teramo ... il recupero del Teatro d'Interamnia.
Ma noi insisteremo.
Il 2 dicembre 2010 quando si cercò di rimuovere i reperti archeologici dal Teatro Romano, cioè le pietre che componevano i 4 fornici sud est del teatro noi abbiamo impedito che venissero asportati dall'aerea e collocati in una zona, si archeologica come quella della Cona, ma chissà se poi li avremmo riavuti.
E soprattutto chissà se poi avremmo riavuto la ricostruzione dei 4 fornici.
Ora noi auspichiamo che questo teatro sia ricostruito nella sua interezza per quello that you can ... and is possible because the exhibits are there.
are massed in the area and we've made them leave the area and are so many that can reconstruct the missing part so we could have rebuilt the Theatre Interamnia for the part that can still be used in an for future initiatives estivedi theater, opera performances.
this morning (December 2, 2010) we woke with a start because several telephone calls to various citizens have informed us that the Roman Theatre, despite assurances that there had also been given publicly by the mayor in the City Council, was still being fumble inside the Theatre of taking a bulldozer, archaeological remains and placed them in a truck.
And then someone from the area of \u200b\u200bCona, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Via Sacra, where they were to be brought to these archaeological findings, we were informed that a truck unloading stones on the area. Then we
we crashed in the yard, we watched
through the cracks because there is a large fence.
It 's the first time that happens on a construction site there is a large fence that prevents the viewing of what is going on behind them ... well ... after seeing what was happening behind the slits in the end we asked the foreman the contractor of Montorio, Patella.
very kindly made us go inside the site and found that the citizens of Teramo was exaggerated alarmism.
not was a matter of removal of the stones of Rome, the archaeological remains that are to serve for the reconstruction of the 4 tubes, but of river rocks that were deposited them in time.
Then we went live to realize the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cona
and we found it was true that there siceva the contractor Patella. So, we reassured
But it is important that the various people outside of Teramo Teramo Nostra are interested la salvaguardia di questo importante bene, di questo importante monumento, di questo reperto archeologico romano più importante d'Abruzzo.
I cittadini teramani finalmente lo fanno proprio, cominciano ad inorgoglirsene e ostacolano, contrastano quelli che vorrebbero ancora le due fatiscenti case, una terremotata, Casa Salvoni, l'altra, Casa Adamoli, riconsolidata e non si capisce perchè, insistano ancora sulla cavea del Teatro Romano.
Tutti sono scandalizzati di questo e tutti chiedono che questi due edifici incongrui vengano rimossi per rimettere a vista il Teatro Romano
Further to the story of the Ancient Theatre: The Roman Theatre
without stones (Giancarlo Falconi)
Sandro Melarangelo pulls the stones ... (Giancarlo Falconi)
The video was posted on the following video channels managed by PacotVideo :
1 - DailyMotion Virgil
2 - Kewego
3 - Vimeo
4 - Blip.Tv
articles, videos and photos have been posted on the blog run by PacotVideo :
1 - Blog of the city of Teramo
2 - Blog PacotVideo
3 - Blog of Thoughts Teramane
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