Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Is Shiny Stone For In Soul Silver

Cuneo sotto la neve

fotografie cuneo

the fields and roads and mild

silent whirling,
the snow falls. Dance

the water in the large white
heaven joke,
then rests on the ground,

in a thousand forms
motionless on the roofs and chimneys
on stones and gardens,
sleeping. All of

around is peace,
closed in a deep oblivion,

indifferent the world is silent.

Poetry Ada Negri

Again the snow. And while
flakes dancing light and cover the fields, trees, roofs, that's how it looks Cuneo under the snow.

Cuneo in the snow - § - Cuneo under the snow

Another time the snow. And light flakes
while dancing and holding countryside, trees, roofs, here how it looks Cuneo under the snow.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Charity Golf Tournament Flyer

I vecchi vicoli di Saluzzo


Passeggiando lungo i vecchi quartieri di Saluzzo , tra le case in pietra, apparentemente abbandonate, s'incontrano stretti vicoli lastricati, che in discesa conducono a passaggi segreti ed angoli bui e silenziosi.

Vicoli di Saluzzo         -§-       Alleys in Saluzzo

Walking through the old quarters of Saluzzo , among the stone houses, apparently abandoned, we meet narrow, cobbled streets that lead down to hidden passages and dark and quiet corners.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pain In Between Thumb

La Torre Civica - Saluzzo

Torre Civica Saluzzo

Simbolo di Saluzzo, con i suoi 48 metri la Torre Civica svetta sul Palazzo Medioevale e sui tetti della città vecchia di Saluzzo.
A pianta quadrata ha una graziosa cuspide ottagonale di colore bianco, un tempo custode della campana cittadina. In cima fa bella mostra un'aquila, lo stemma della città.
Risalendo 130 scalini si arriva all'elegante loggetta da cui si gode il panorama sulla città e la pianura circostante.

La Torre Civica di Saluzzo         -§-       The civic tower in Saluzzo

Symbol of Saluzzo, with its 48 meters, the Civic Tower stands on the Medieval Palace and the roofs of the old town.

With his squared plan, it has a lovely white octagonal spire, that some times ago housed the town bell. At the top makes a fine show an eagle statue, the emblem of the city.

Climbing up the 130 steps you can get to the elegant loggia where you can enjoy with the view over the city and the surrounding plain.

Torre Civica Saluzzo

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wedding Program Wording Theknot Thank You

Passeggiando in Saluzzo vecchia


Saluzzo, a town of Marquis, is a Sunday in winter like an old lady who placid rests, there on the border between the plain and the Po valley, that of Monte Viso, the mountain Cuneo par excellence. From
Course Regulations, main street, climb up the hill narrow streets, some cobbled, overlooked by old buildings, embellished by decoration, panels and intimate gardens. A small tangle of streets to be discovered.

Walking in Saluzzo old - § - Walking in the old Saluzzo

Saluzzo , the town of Marquisate, in this Sunday winter looks like an old lady who placid rests here, on the border between the plain and the Po valley, the valley of Monviso, the most important mountain of the province of Cuneo.
From Corso Statuto, the main street, narrow streets climb the hill. Some are cobbled alleys, overlooked by old buildings adorned with decorations, panels and intimate gardens. A small tangle of streets to be discovered.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Homemade Fountain Ideas

I love Cuneo: Cuneo vs New York


Dimmi quale luogo è il centro del mondo
anima di metropoli, asfalto profondo
skyscrapers on the edge, apple cement
know that if you make it here, you can do it anywhere
feel the wind, the breath that grows
breathing machine herringbone
city that never sleeps and dreams when he sleeps is that even
you the pictures, it combines all
salt and anxiety, night hunts you
music is growing, that splits megalopolis
And this is the city of Piedmont Cuneo

speak with the sun in front of Cuneo, with you the body and mind can not do anything

This Cuneo ....

Source Zelig - Puntata of 14:01:11
Pictures From Flash Mob of Cuneo 22:01:11


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Petechiae And Spider Veins

Il Castello di Magliano Alfieri - Magliano Alfieri

Castello di Magliano Alfieri

Il Castello degli Alfieri venne acquistato dalla famiglia Alfieri nel XVI secolo quando divenne proprietaria del feudo circostante. Usato principalmente come residenza è noto per aver ospitato lo scrittore Vittorio Alfieri. Di stile prettamente barocco ha un'ampia facciata contornata da due torri cilindriche nella parte che si prospetta a valle. I suoi interni, ricchi di stucchi, ospitano il Museo della Cultura del Gesso.

Il castello di magliano Alfieri         -§-       The Magliono Alfieri Castle

The Alfieri's Castle was bought by the Alfieri family in the sixteenth century when they became the owners of the surrounding fief. Used primarily as a residence it is known to have hosted the writer Vittorio Alfieri. It has a typically Baroque-style and a large façade crowned by two cylindrical towers. Its interior is embellished with stucco works and houses the Museum of Culture of Gypsum.

Castello di Magliano Alfieri

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Put On A Underwear

Gelo in Valle Maira

Gelo in Valle Maira

Di passaggio in Valle Maira non abbiamo resistito al fascino the snowy mountain and we stopped to capture in photographs.
Under the mountain snow and ice rests almost seems fun to create interesting sculptures and natural ghiaccioloni increasingly long and sharp.

Frost in Maira Valley - § - Freezing in Maira Valley

Passing in Maira Valley Were not We Be Able to resist to the charm this landscape of snowy mountain and we stopped Our trip to capture it in photos.
Under the mountain the snow and the frost Rests funny and created natural sculptures and increasingly long and sharp icicles.

Gelo in Valle Maira

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wooden Side Rails For Trucks

Palazzo della Prefettura - Cuneo

Palazzo della Prefettura Cuneo

Imboccando Via Roma dopo essersi lasciati alle spalle la rinata Piazza Torino non si può non notare sulla sinistra un palazzo dalle dimensioni ragguardevoli che occupa quasi tutto un isolato.
E' il Palazzo della Prefettura di Cuneo , realizzato alla fine dal 1800 su progetto di Pietro Carrera come Palazzo del Governatore.
La sua linea severa è alleggerita da una linea di eleganti bifore e da un motivo differente sulla facciata che ne spezza la monotonia.

Palazzo della Prefettura di Cuneo         -§-       Palace of the Prefecture in Cuneo

Going along Via Roma after leaving behind the reborn Piazza Torino you can't fail to notice on the left a building with a considerable size, that occupying almost an entire block.
It 's the Palace of the Prefecture of Cuneo , made at the end of the 1800 on the draft of Pietro Carrera as a Governor's Palace.
Its strict line is lightened by elegant double lancet windows and a particular pattern on the front that breaks his monotony.

Palazzo della Prefettura Cuneo

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Send Invitation Saying Pay Your Own Bill

L'orologio e i leoni del Palazzo della Prefettura - Cuneo

Foto orologio Palazzo della Prefettura Cuneo

We should look more often
the city through the eyes of tourists.
discover if there are so particular in his eyes every day but we do not notice.
As the clock or lions that adorn the severe facade of the Palace of the Prefecture Cuneo .

The clock and the lions of the Palace of the Prefecture - § - The clock and the lions of the Palace of the Prefecture

We Should look more Often the city from a tourist point of view. We'll find out
special place under Our Eyes That We HAD Every Day But we do not notice.
An example is the clock and the Lions That adorn the facade of the severe Palace of the Prefecture of Cuneo .

Foto leoni Palazzo della Prefettura Cuneo

Monday, January 10, 2011

Boeing 787 Payware Fsx

L'Essenza del Paesaggio di Giorgio Morandi - Alba

is true, I've done more still lifes and landscapes - the landscape and say that I loved them more (G. Morandi)

Morandi Essenza del Paesaggio Alba

The Courtyards Via Fondazza Grizzana and landscapes back to life and make themselves known through the exhibition "Morandi - The essence of the landscape" made in Alba at the Fondazione Ferrero.
E 'a succession of houses, trees, hills and roads represented in neutral colors, and are often extremely severe essential, but very realistic.

The Essence of Landscape Giorgio Morandi - § - Fondazione Ferrero Alba

The Courtyards of Via Fondazza and landscapes of Grizzana back to life and make Themselves Known Through the exhibition "Morandi - The Essence of Landscape" made in Alba at the Ferrero Foundation.
It's a succession of houses, trees, hills and roads represented in neutral colors, with dye and Extremely severe essential lines, but very realistic.

Friday, January 7, 2011

All Indian Free Channel Frequency

Tutta mia la città... - Cuneo

Foto Cuneo Foto Cuneo

Have you ever wondered how your city was thirty or forty years ago?

The exhibition "The whole city ... in the photographs of Paolo Cuneo Bedino 1963-1973" exhibition at Palazzo Samone in the provincial capital, pays homage to a famous photographer Cuneo and allows you to take a step back in time, specifically in the years 60s and 70s, through evocative photographs in black and white.

The photographs remind us of the most significant moments of city life, to strikes, protests to the police, the ceremonies and small events which shows daily, and sometimes very funny, the costumes of that era passed.

E 'jump nel tempo interessante, ma anche divertente, fatto soprattutto di volti di chi ha reso viva la città in quel periodo.

Tutta la mia città .... Cuneo         -§-       Palazzo Samone Cuneo

Have you ever wondered how your city was thirty or forty years ago?

The exhibition "Tutta la mia città ... in the photos of Paolo Cuneo Bedino 1963-1973" in Palazzo Samone in Cuneo, pays homage to a famous photographer and allows you to take a step back in time, specifically in the 60 and 70s, through evocative photographs in black and white.

The images remind us about the most significant moments of the city life, strikes, protests police, ceremonies and small daily events, which shows, sometimes in a very funny way, the costumes of that passed era.

It's an interesting and sometimes funny back in time, especially because of the faces of those people who made the city alive at that time.

Foto Cuneo